Stay on top of your delivery challenges or get ahead of them with the ability to plan deliveries days, weeks or even months in advance. SubTrux enables businesses to maximise all current and upcoming deliveries through planning automation. The planning automation tool allows you to:
Separate line items in a delivery
Split a delivery consignment into more than one delivery
Place delivery orders on HOLD until desired dispatch time
Assign deliveries to specific company owned vehicles or when you have an accepted vehicle request from a specific Marketplace contractor
These options provide better control and visibility over a businesses deliveries, taking the stress out of planning and hoping that deliveries are done properly.
With the simple action of drag and drop you can move all your orders for delivery into the automated route planner and instantly optimize your delivery routes. Saving hours and sometimes the equivalent of days wasting time with manual systems that are antiquated and subject to human error.
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#transport industry #deliveryautomation #subtruxdms #delivery #potentialdelivered