Manage your overflow with ease:

Christmas is hectic enough without having to worry about your deliveries being completed. Declutter your warehouse space and solve those overflow issues with SubTrux Marketplace. Our crowdsourced platform of qualified drivers and vehicles provides you with full tracking and visibility of your deliveries, pulling you out of “the blind spot” and into the driver’s seat. Giving you the chance to foresee any issues that maybe be arising in your fleet. 

SubTrux Marketplace is similar to UBER, but for the delivery industry. No matter whether you’re shipping fridges or freesias, Swiss watches or Italian swatches, dumbbells or smart TVs, what’s most important to you and your customers is that you deliver a quality experience.

#tracking #deliveryautomation #retaildelivery #couriertransport #deliverymanagment #potentialdelivered

#transport industry #deliveryautomation #subtruxdms #delivery #potentialdelivered

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