Customer Experience with SubTrux- POTENTIAL DELIVERED

69% of people said they wouldn’t buy from a retailer who didn’t deliver an item within two days of the promised date. 

Subtrux was born out of the frustration of unhappy customers calling and asking where is my delivery? If there’s ever an industry that needs a better way, it’s this one (the delivery industry)

As the rise of e-commerce increases, so have customer expectations. They want items they buy delivered when they were promised (increasingly, the same day). All too often, that last mile isn’t in your control, but your customers don’t care. They buy from you, so, ultimately, they blame you when it’s late or not delivered. A poor delivery experience is a rising factor behind why people take their business elsewhere.

To find out exactly how SubTrux can help your business improve your customer experience, give us a call today.

1300 931 516

80 Market St, South Melbourne VIC 3205

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