Drive smarter. Not just faster.
SubTrux DMS™ optimises delivery routes to maximise your efficiency.
Delivering without real-time data is a little like playing a game blindfolded. Without knowing what’s actually on the board, it’s almost impossible to put all the pieces together. Businesses need information instantly, what levers to pull and when, those decisions that get made will affect the outcome. But most of the time there is no real live data, creating a lack of confidence as to what the real issues are and can leave delivery management teams frustrated and out-of-touch. D.I.F.O.T ( Delivery In Full On Time) as a measurement, is one of the most crucial elements to any business that requires delivery and freight. SubTrux is providing the delivery industry with the LIVE SubTrux dashboard, we call, DIFOT - X! The SubTrux dashboard provides all the information you require to adapt to the ever-changing environment you’re in. It enables you to see your live D.I.F.O.T performance alongside a clear picture of your capacity, vehicle locations, time on site/per delivery, driver safety requirements and more.
You can even map planned routes and their corresponding kilometres to see how it impacts your ability to achieve all the deliveries you’ve got scheduled. All this valuable information helps you identify exactly what you need to adjust before the fact (not afterwards) to ensure you can confidently meet ever-increasing customer expectations and manage your costs along the way. We offer more than a piece of software. Used correctly, it’s an X-Factor, an extraordinary capability to manage your costs with full control of all aspects of your deliveries. So in the race for DIFOT think of SubTrux as steroids.
Our dashboard displays in real time your D.I.F.O.T (Delivery In Full On Time, X Multiplied) Knowing your vehicle capacity enables you to decide (in real time) when to outsource your overflow of orders and your costs incurred both in house and externally with every delivery. All this live valuable information helps you identify exactly what you need to adjust before the fact (not afterwards) to ensure you can confidently meet ever-increasing demand, customer expectations and manage your costs along the way. The DIFOTX displays driver and vehicle capacity, vehicle locations, time on site, time per delivery, and critically, your cost per delivery, cost per item delivered and cost per km. So in the race for DIFOT think of SubTrux as on steroids.