About Us
We deliver everything you need so you can do the same.
Delivery Management Software delivering real results.
Drive smarter. Not just faster.
SubTrux DMS™ optimises delivery routes to maximise your efficiency.
How did SubTrux come about?
A search for better has powered the SubTrux team from the very start. Using 30+ years of knowledge of the freight industry, and faced with consistent delivery challenges and frustrations but no best-practice solution, five years ago we decided to make one ourselves.
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Our Aim
Our aim was to create a simple yet powerful tool that answered the questions that we knew, if we were constantly asking, so were many other businesses.
Why can’t I have that information in real time? Why can’t I track my drivers? Why are my bookings not fulfilled? What’s the most efficient route? How do I reduce my transport costs? How long have my trucks been idle? How do I have more confidence in drivers and vehicles?
Why does it all have to be so complex? How do I get better visibility? Why can’t my systems talk to each other better? How do I reduce my customers’ frustrations? How do I make sure courier companies aren’t taking me for a ride? How can I reduce the impact I have on the environment? and many others.
Our ultimate goal wasn’t just to find a better solution for us but to reimagine the entire delivery industry. With its lack of transparency, absence of trust, inefficiencies at every level, poor environmental practises, high wastage, low standards and lack of collaboration, it’s an industry delivering all the wrong things on a daily basis.
We wanted to change that.
Founders Story
I remember the first day in the office as a young kid. My dad put me in the hot seat answering customer calls and I’ll never forget the first call I picked up was “where’s my delivery?”
Over the years, I’ve been trying to answer that question with something more accurate. The pressure has always been there from customers. I’ve seen many companies offering solutions and have invested in lots of platforms but none have filled the gap. The visibility, analytics and transparency has been poor and often delayed with the data and, most importantly, when we need to scale for multiple jobs, the software just couldn’t bring it all together. When we would use a broker to support us with multiple jobs, the experience overall was much of the same!
So I decided to do something about it. Firstly to help our existing business but, as it transpired, I realised the value it’d bring to other businesses like ours. By providing the right tools and giving back the power of knowing exactly where your delivery is, the ability to answer the call and have your customers depend on you and have the peace of mind that SubTrux truly delivers and meets their expectations.
Over the past five years, we’ve invested the time to get it right, working with a range of businesses like Bev Marks, the Super Retail Group, SoilWorx and others to trial and refine the software and our approach and now I’m delighted to be able to share SubTrux with you.
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Meet the team

Chris Ristovski

Mark Richter
Head of Technology